Physical Form (English)

Physical Form (Spanish)



All updated PHYSICALS/MEDIACAL HISTORY FORMS can be emailed to and/or 

Our trainers will then review and upload to RankOne

Rank One Forms

Dear Parents,

We are excited to announce that the RISD Student Athlete Pre-participation Physical Packet is now available to fill out online for your convenience.

Richardson ISD and the UIL require the parent/legal guardian to read and sign off on the following forms every year:


  • Pre-Participation Physical Form • UIL Acknowledgement of Rules
  • Emergency Medical Release • UIL Concussion Acknowledgement Form
  • Athletic Insurance Acknowledgement • UIL Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Form
  • Student Records Release • RISD Alcohol & Drug Policy


All forms are now available to be submitted electronically except for the Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation. RISD requires that all student-athletes in grades 7-12 have a pre-participation physical exam, performed by a Doctor, on file with the district annually in order to try out, practice, or play. No student-athlete will be allowed to begin participating in any tryout or practice, before, during, or after school, (both in-season and out-of-season) or games/matches until all forms are completed. We would like to thank you for taking part in the process of submitting athletic pre-participation paperwork online. This new automated process will allow us to be more efficient in handling the forms as well as saving valuable resources.